How To Grow Bodi
How To Grow Bodi
Bodi is easily grown throughout the year. Three to four plants will supply enough fruit (pods) for the average home. Bodi contains protein, fibre, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, vitamins A and B. Bodi is a legume and it replenishes soil nitrogen used up by other crops. It is therefore an excellent choice for crop rotation. It can also be grown in containers. (See Container planting).
Long Type
- Local Yard Long: Imported-Red Tip
- Local Half Yard: Imported-Green Arrow
Short Type
- Los Banos Bush Sitao No.1
- VRB5
- Black eye bean-California 5 used as bodi
Mix two handfuls of well rotted manure with the soil in each planting hole.
Sow 2 to 3 seeds in each planting hole 2 to 3 cm deep (0.8 to 1.2 ins.) and cover lightly with soil.
Water lightly twice daily until the seeds germinate in 6 to 10 days.
After germination, water plants daily during dry periods.
Bodi can be inter-planted with vegetables and ornamentals in the home garden. However if planting several bodi plants in the same area, use the recommended spacing for the variety being planted.
Place seeds of both short and long types 0.5 m (1.5 ft) apart within rows and 1 m (3 ft) apart between rows.
One week after germination, apply 5 g (1 tsp) of a complete fertilizer high in phosphorus such as 12:24:12, to encourage root growth. Be sure to place this fertilizer at least 5 cm (2 in) away from the plant.
Thereafter, continue fertilizing every 15 days with a granular NPK fertilizer high in potassium such as 12:12:17:2, using 5 g (1 tsp) per plant. This can be continued for the duration of the plant’s life.
Cultural Practices
The long type of bodi needs support of the growing stem, e.g., stakes, fences, walls, trellises, other plants etc. Leave a few pods to dry on the plant. Collect their seeds for the next planting.
Pest and Control
The main pests of bodi are black bean flies, aphids, spider-mites and nematodes. The main disease is the mosaic virus.
Manage pests and diseases by using a combination of appropriate environmentally friendly pesticides to target the specific pests.
Always alternate pesticides and follow label instructions closely.
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