How To Grow Melongene
How To Grow Melongene
Melongene also known as “Eggplant” or “Baigan” can be grown
throughout the year.
When planting melongene consider the following:
- Melongene is a deep-rooting crop. Roots reach a depth of 35-50 cm. So plough deep!
- The plant bears fruits for a long time (6-9 months). Sometimes even cutting back can result in a new flush of growth and prolong the life of the crop. A fertile soil, rich in organic matter is necessary.
- Melongene needs a lot of water, but it is very sensitive to water logging. Provide adequate drainage. The plant also responds favourably to irrigation under drought conditions.
- This plant must be grown in full sunlight. It does not do well in shaded areas.
- Black Diamond
- Long Purple
- La Pastora
- Aranguez
- Farmers Early
- Victoria
- Florida Market
At planting time, add 2 handfuls of well rotted manure to each planting hole.Ensure adequate drainage especially in clay soils.
Tansplant Seedlings
- When seedlings are 3-4 weeks old.
- Late in the afternoon.
If several melongene plants are grown together space seedlings 90 cm apart within rows and 1.5 metres between rows. However, melongene can be intercropped with most other vegetables.
At Transplanting, apply
- 1 Tablespoon High Phosphorus Fertilizer e.g. 12:24:12 dissolved in 1 litre of water.
- This volume will fertilize 10 plants.
- Apply to roots or leaves (foliar).
- Repeat every 14 days for 4 weeks.
During the growth stage, apply
- 4 Tablespoons High Nitrogen e.g. 20:10:10.
- Granular or dissolved in water (water-salt).
- Every 2 weeks until flowering.
At flowering, apply
- High Potassium fertilizer e.g. 12:12:17+2 plus Trace Elements.
- 100 g (7 tbsp) per plant.
- Granular or dissolved in water (water-salt).
Every 2 weeks for the lifetime of the crops, apply
- Calcium, either granular or foliar, apply one handful per plant, every two weeks for the lifetime of the plant.
Pest and Control
Underside of leaf looks dirty grey and fruit develops a corky crust from tip to calyx.
Overhead Irrigation. Pruning plants to remove shade and use of chemical control.
Unsightly spot
Overhead irrigation and chemical control
Corky scarring on fruits
Overhead irrigation and chemical control
Baigan choka from mih yard!!!!! ... Happy Planter ... Great info